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my mother是什么意思

看: 4566次  时间:2022-10-02  分类 : 英文词典
my mother的中文意思是:



my mother的双语使用场景

said my mother tartly.───我母亲刻薄地说。

My mother detested him.───我母亲憎恶他。

Don't blaspheme," my mother said.───不要亵渎神明,”我妈妈说。

My mother in-law proudly told me that my son asked her to keep the 1, 000 yuan with her after he met her.───婆婆骄傲地告诉我,儿子见到她之后,请她帮着保存那一千元。

If this doesn't work, bring in friend that you -- trust, and let him or her to help you -- 2, My mother was used to work in a toy factory.───如果这还不奏效,使朋友,你-信赖,让他或她能够辅助你-2,我的母亲曾经工作在一个玩具厂。

A few days ago I called my mother and asked her to come for a visit next week.───几天前我打电话给我妈请她下星期上我这儿来。

At a time when I was a little boy, my mother used to tell me to be polite to others.───在我还是个小孩的时候,我妈妈就常告诉我对别人要有礼貌。

yeah, if it's okay with you. nobody's know about this. Not even blair. blair would be even more upset than my mother.───如果没碍着你的话,没人知道这事。甚至布莱尔都不知道,她肯定会比我妈更难过。

I broke to my mother the news of my impending doom, but it did not seem to disturb her much.───我忙把这大祸临头的噩耗向我母亲吐露,但她似乎并不慌张。

my mother的相似词语短语

my mother has───我妈妈有

to my mother───给我妈妈

help my mother───帮帮我妈妈

terrorized my mother───恐吓我母亲

my mother is───我妈妈是


she is my mother───她是我妈妈

aunt mother───妈妈阿姨

cluttered mother───杂乱无章的母亲

my mother的英语使用场景

My mother is in good health.

My mother bought me a waterproof watch.

My mother taught me how to sew.

We stayed overnight with my mother.

My mother made my life hell .

My mother died when I was ten.

My mother died when I was 6.

I came home late and my mother was angry.

Neither my mother nor my father went to university.

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my mother 
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